When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step?

The decision to take part in this #Reverb10 challenge was a good one. One of the outcomes so far is my discovery of a new love. Or perhaps it’s a rediscovery of an old love that I’ve let simmer on the back burner of life. Either way I have taken on a love for writing.

I have had a blog at various websites for years. Blogging has become a hobby of mine. I’ve kept a journal for even longer than that. I’ve toyed with the idea of becoming a writer. I even considered changing my major at university to writing. The question then is why haven’t I done anything about it? I fear it’s just a passing phase. I fear I’ll get tired of it and move on to something else in the future. Since others have suggested I could write more, I fear I’ll be bowing to the power of suggestion if I do something more with my writing. I have never thought I am a good writer.

I’ve kept a journal since I was a teenager

The truth is I need to do something about this. Things haven’t changed. I still enjoy writing. My husband pointed out opportunities for me to write more. Others around me have been encouraging me and have been encouraged by what I have to say. Hmm. Apparently I’m a good writer.

I’ve gotten better at writing. Over the past few years, I’ve been blessed with a deeper love for reading. I love to read non-fiction books that make me think. I write about my thoughts—I’m learning to think more critically so I can write. My mind has been opened to ideas for things to blog about here. It’s crazy to realise as I’m going throughout the day that I have a good idea for a blog post. Can I do something more with this? What opportunities do I have, and how do I pursue those opportunities?

It’s time to take action. It’s funny that this prompt came up today. I’ve been having a lot of conversations with Leon about writing lately, and yesterday in church I felt the Holy Spirit strongly prodding me–”Do something more with writing.”

So what do I do now? I’m the kind of person who struggles with just wanting to know the end result and the shortest path to get there. This time, I am determined to enjoy the process of getting to where God wants me to be. That’s the next step I need to take. I’ll keep my eyes and ears out for opportunities, and I’ll continue to write on this blog. It’s all I can do for now, and it teaches me patience.

I may not know what specifically I’ll be doing (with writing), but I’ll enjoy the process of getting there.

One Comment

  1. Ellen aka Ella 13 December 2010 at 20:05 - Reply

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