These are things that help me thrive. God is so faithful to provide and help me to grow through these things! These are all things I could probably use a little more of in my life. And it’s an on-going process, which means that I’ll never get 100% of these things in my life. I guess it’s comforting to realise that. It’s also comforting to realise that even though I have this list, God still knows what makes me thrive the best!

Redwood tree, Kew Royal Botanical Gardens in London
  1. Relationship with God
  2. Quiet time (partners with relationship with God)
  3. Relationship with my husband
  4. Creativity
  5. Community
  6. Family
  7. Introverted time
  8. Service
  9. Schedule/Structure
  10. Appreciation
  11. A close friend
  12. Trust

Make a list of 12 things that help you thrive. Can you incorporate those things into your life more? (Today’s prompt is by Diana Prichard)

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