One thing I’ve learned in life is that things change constantly. Some change is for good, and some not so good. I am not the same person I was a year ago. When I moved to England, I discovered after a couple of months that I was in desperate need to rediscover myself. I’ve grown into a few new roles in the last year.

Taking photos on a walk in the Lake District… one of my favourite things to do!

I became a housewife. This was a challenging adjustment after being told most of my entire single life that I had to have a full-time job. And now I’m free to be a home maker and serve my husband in this way? That’s a shock. It’s taken me some time to be OK with being a housewife. I’ve had a lot to learn, and I’m definitely still learning!

I became an expat. In case you’re new to my blog, my husband and I live in England as missionaries. Moving to England was a huge growing experience. Some may think that our cultures are the same since we speak the same language. Wrong. England is a very different culture. Firstly, the British speak a different English that Americans. There are other subtle differences that I didn’t notice until I returned to the US this year. It’s taken me awhile to feel comfortable in this culture that’s not my own. (For several weeks, I was afraid to even open my mouth to speak… for as soon as I did, everyone knew, I’m not British!)

I became an artist and a writer. Thanks to some free time due to being a housewife, I’ve been able to discover my creative streak. I love to make things, and I hope to do more of it. Through last year’s #reverb10 challenge, I also discovered a love for writing. This blog has become a wonderful outlet and a way to share what God has been showing me with the world.

Looking forward to next year, I can already see that I’ll be going through another change, and perhaps doing some of that rediscovery again—I’ll become a mother in mid-March. (Actually, I’m technically already a mum, seeing as I have this little one wriggling about inside of me!) This is one change that I’m looking forward to with great anticipation!

One thing I’m reminded of while reflecting on who I’ve become is that God finishes whatever He starts in me (and you!). And it’s all for His glory.

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 (ESV)

Who are you? Describe yourself. (Today’s prompt courtesy of Diana Prichard)

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