What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?

Christmas candles at church

I have a love of photography. I always want to take photos, but somehow never take photos when the opportunity presents itself. Then I end up regretting not taking photos. Why am I this way? I feel like I’m the centre of attention when I’m taking photos—like everyone is looking at me. As I learned last evening, it’s not true! :)

I got a boost of confidence in my love of photography when I was asked to take photos at a church event last  night. One of the things I was really nervous about was being seen and being in the way of everyone else. Again, not so! I found out afterwards that not many people saw me. I like photography because I can be invisible at times, which is great for someone such as myself who doesn’t like to be the centre of attention.

I decided a couple of weeks ago that I want to take more photos this year. I want to try developing my photography skills a bit more than I have in the past since I do rather enjoy it. One of the things I want to do in order to achieve this is take one photo a day. My reasoning is it challenges me to notice even the littlest details and look for something different every day. Besides that, I usually can’t stop taking photos once I start and get comfortable! I also want to try taking an online course or take up online photography challenges (Two Peas in a Bucket has some good ones. I hope they post more soon!)

When I think about what I wanted to try this year, I have to ask myself, “What haven’t I tried this year?” I feel as though I’ve tried so many things since this year has been rather transitional. I’m living in a new country where I’m trying all kinds of things! I’ve not always succeeded, but at least I’ve tried. At least I’ve picked myself up and tried again. At least through trying, God has been my strength.


  1. dtahphotography 20 December 2010 at 16:03 - Reply
  2. Jen 22 December 2010 at 01:03 - Reply

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