Needless to say, we’ve been busy around here for the past month. A newborn takes up a lot of time in one’s day! Yes, Eva Joy still sleeps a lot, but breastfeeding, bottle feeding and nappy changes every three or so hours start to add up! Posting here on our blog will be slow for a few more weeks at least while I find my feet as a mother of two little ones. I’ve really enjoyed having two little people to care for. God has really blessed us!

Which is why I wanted to revisit what God has done in us in the last year. The glory belongs to Him. It’s pretty hard to believe that we were grieving the loss of a child last year (still are), but as I’ve said before… God knows what He’s doing.

White Tulip

  • God knew what He was doing when He blessed us with Asher two years ago.
  • God knew what He was doing when I had complications after giving birth to Asher.
  • God knew what He was doing when I got pregnant 9 months after Asher was born.
  • He knew what He was doing when He decided to take our sweet unborn child Home before we could meet him.
  • God also knew what he was doing when he blessed us with Eva Joy just over a year after the miscarriage.

It’s still sometimes hard to imagine, but life could have been completely different if any of those events didn’t happen. I still don’t quite understand why God chose to take our sweet unborn child Home, but God has certainly blessed us with the life of our sweet little girl. Her name, Eva Joy, is a testimony of what God has done in our lives over the past year.

Leon and I have a lot of silly discussions about baby names, but names are something I take seriously. When choosing names for our children, we want the meaning of the name to speak prophetically into their lives. We want them to live in what God has for them, and we desire for their names to reflect that. God brought the name Eva to my attention because it means “life.” Names like Eva, Ava or Evie are ones that we’ve never even considered, so I was certain this name was from the Lord (we hadn’t even found out she was a girl yet). We call her by her full title, Eva Joy, because we hope her life will be full of life and joy as she grows (hopefully) in the Lord.

Our lives have been filled with life and joy after I had the miscarriage last year. I never imagined the road it would take us down, even though I still don’t fully understand why God does things the way He does. It’s still not easy at times. But God is good. So good. Good beyond words. I guess sometimes God’s greatest blessings come through (or after) trials so His goodness and sovereignty can be revealed and His glory made known.

(I don’t usually share videos on the blog, but I’ve had this song stuck in my head for the past 5 weeks. Laura does a good job of expressing what I’m unable to express in regards to God’s goodness to us.)

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