On Saturday, our OM team had their annual Christmas party! For us it was good fun to catch up with people after being in the US for 2 months (as well as catching up with people who will be leaving soon for the Christmas holidays).

Here we are… all dressed up for the Christmas party!

A lovely catered meal was followed by a ceilidh (pronounced KAY-lee)! We have a ceilidh every year, but it’s still lots of fun. If you know Leon and I well, we love dancing. So we looked forward to the dancing this year. The only downside this year was that while “Little Bump” didn’t mind the dancing so much, my pregnant body did… so much to my disappointment, I could only dance about 3 or 4 dances. I did manage to get a couple of my favourites on video since I wasn’t dancing as much!

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